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October News – Ethics Awareness Month

Ethics Awareness Month October is AFP Ethics Awareness Month and Mike Geiger, President of AFP Global, wants us to “Live Ethics Out Loud!” I’m not quite sure what that means, but there’s lots of information available on the website, AFP Code of Ethical Standards Donor Bill of Rights Toolkit…
November 2, 2022

September News – Careers in Professional Fundraising

There’s More Than One Chief Development Officer Grant Writer Charitable Gift Planner Annual Fund Manager Database Specialist Prospect Researcher Donor Relations Director Director of Foundations Director of Alumni Relations Director of Grants Philanthropic Advisor Event Planner Digital Engagement Officer Grants Manager Corporate Relations Director Senior Directors Vice Presidents Associates Consultants…
September 21, 2022

August News – Birthday Month

August is all about me and other lucky people who are born under the Sun sign of Leo. Happy Birthday month to Us! Birthdays usually mean a time for reflection. What happened this year. What to look forward in the coming year. This year I’ve experienced the loss of several…
August 24, 2022

July News – Tactics and Methods

July is hot. Whether you’re in a muggy humid climate or a desert dry one, hot is still hot. For some of us in the fundraising world, July is a slow month. There are no events or campaigns. People take time off from work, even donors. July is the time…
July 19, 2022

June News – Pay Equity and More

It’s been several news cycles since this story came out, but it still resonates with me: equal pay for equal work. US Soccer will pay their professional players – women and men – the same. This was announced May 18 with little fanfare. It was so understated, I double checked…
June 20, 2022

May News – Imposter Syndrome

Who among us has ever felt out of place, like we don’t belong, like “if they only knew…”? I’ll be the first to raise my hand. I did not graduate college right out of high school like I planned. Instead, I got pregnant, got married, had more children, divorced, and…
May 12, 2022

April News – Solicitation and Stewardship

April signals the end of the first quarter of the year and the beginning of serious fundraising. We’re headed back to the big fundraising luncheons, fashion shows and galas. And let’s not forget the golf tournaments and clay shoots. It’s also the time to meet your donors and make your…
April 13, 2022

March News – Cultivation

Spring is in the air! Do we dare hope that COVID is on the downhill slide? Just about everyone is ready to be around other people and open-air restaurant patios are one of the best places to Cultivate donors. Now that you’ve identified your prospective donors, it’s time to contact…
March 9, 2022

February News – Identification

There are four stages of the donor cycle: Identification, Cultivation, Solicitation, and Stewardship. During the month of February my weekly zoom webinar, About Fundraising, will look at the task of Identification from various points of view. Research Basics Building a Prospect Donor Profile LYBNTS and SYBNTS Best Practices, Next Steps…
February 9, 2022

January News – Teams

Are you a team of One or do you supervise a department or a whole organization? When planning my monthly newsletters and weekly About Fundraising webinars for 2022, I decided to organize everything around monthly themes. The theme for January is Teams. Each Thursday at noon, CST, on About Fundraising,…
January 12, 2022

Recent Articles

Cash Alternatives in Fundraising

August News – Cash Alternatives

Cash Alternatives Have you noticed that more businesses are not accepting cash - folding money, coins? Have you also noticed how impatient you are when someone is paying for their groceries with a check that they have to fill out and sign? Heaven forbid that a transaction takes more than…
August 15, 2023
Customer Service in Fundraising

July News – CX and Donors

CX by Design My recent customer experiences have gone from one extreme to the other. Great customer experiences: I took my car to my local dealership for the annual inspection. I had an appointment, the attendant greeted me by name, the waiting area was clean, coffee was fresh, and there…
July 12, 2023
Ambition or Not?

May News – Ambition or Not?

Ambition or Not? Recently, I was visiting with a friend. We were talking and she asked me how my consulting business was doing. I started telling her about my plans to start a podcast and about the barter agreement with a marketing firm. I also told her about how I’ve…
May 16, 2023

30% Of All Charitable Giving Is Done In December

October 1st, Q4 is here and COVID19 or not, we still have to raise money for our nonprofit organizations, especially now, at the end of the year when 30% of all charitable giving is done in the U.S. Our clients, our patrons, our communities depend on us. If you haven’t…
October 1, 2020

Choosing a Professional Membership Organization to Join

AFP, Association of Fundraising Professionals: CASE, Council for Advancement and Support of Education: AHP, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy: American Grant Writers Association: American Prospect Research Association: American Marketing Association: 13 associations for event planners: Data Management Association: National Association of Charitable Gift…
December 23, 2019

Foundations Are People, Too

If you only get one thing from this article, let it be this: Follow the instructions. Yep, that’s it. Follow the instructions. Give the grant maker what they ask for. Don’t say too much or too little. If they want to know the color of the walls in your office,…
November 10, 2019

400,000,000 and Counting

There is so much information at our fingertips. Our mobile devices are handheld computers that allow us to look up anything at any time. There are blogs, websites and videos on any subject you can imagine. Type “fundraising” into your favorite search engine and you will get more than 400,000,000…
October 15, 2019

Keep Your Resume Fresh

Your resume is the first impression you make with a prospective employer. Just like you would wear your most professional outfit to an interview, your resume needs to reflect the best you. Resume styles change over time. You might not be aware of that if you’ve been out of the…
October 2, 2019

Know When to Leave and Leave with Dignity and Grace

I’ve been let go and laid off. I’ve had my position eliminated. I’ve been the last hired, first fired. I’ve quit. I’ve resigned. I’ve given notice and been asked to leave, right now. I’ve been falsely accused and I’ve been lied to. I’ve had a board member call me years…
September 21, 2019

Manage Up

This is a hard one. You know the boss, the supervisor, the “leader” who doesn’t know what they don’t know.  Who thinks they have all the answers. You don’t want to be a smart-ass.  You want to be helpful. But how? Having been on both sides of this equation, I…
September 12, 2019


I’m proud to have earned my CFRE. What is a CFRE? It stands for Certified Fund Raising Executive, and is the professional standard for fundraisers in the nonprofit sector.  Like other accreditations, the CFRE means the fundraiser has gained a certain level of expertise. It also means that we aspire…
August 7, 2019

Support Your Team and Their Dreams

Recently, I led a team of young women who were at the beginning of their careers. When I told them part of my job as their supervisor was to help them prepare for their next job, it surprised them. But I have been in the fundraising business for decades, and…
July 30, 2019

Show Up and Be Present

“Showing up is 80 percent of life.” This saying is often misquoted and most often attributed to Woody Allen. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who said it first. What matters is doing it. Show up. Show up ready to do your work, whatever that work may be. Show up appropriately dressed.…
July 16, 2019

Professional Development and You

As a manager, I always made sure my team knew I supported their professional development and my own. For most of my years as a professional fundraiser, I have paid for my own membership in the Association of Fundraising Professionals, as well as for conferences and other professional fees. I…
June 5, 2019

Make The Phone Calls. Leave Nice Voicemails

A conversation with a donor is one of the most basic tools in your fundraising toolkit. Yet it’s the one we are least likely to use. We create all kinds of excuses. “I don’t have time.” “I don’t have enough information.” “Maybe they’re out of town?” “Who would want to…
May 10, 2019