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The Socials: Are You Keeping Up?

It seems like a new social media platform springs up every day. This may be an exaggeration, but it’s a small one. I feel like I’m doing good to keep up with Facebook, LinkedIn, and the occasional glance at Instagram.

When thinking about the social networks of the future, my mind goes to hologram messengers in science fiction stories. I’m not too far off because the forecasts for 2040 social media are virtual reality platforms.

To keep up with current social media trends, LinkedIn shared the following tips:

  • Follow relevant sources
  • Join online communities
  • Use social media listening tools
  • Experiment with new features
  • Analyze your performance

Follow relevant sources

Subscribe to newsletters, blogs, podcasts, or YouTube channels that cover social media news, tips, and best practices.

Join online communities

Participate in Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Slack channels, or Reddit forums that focus on social media topics, such as strategy, tools, analytics, or niche platforms.

Use social media listening tools

Monitor tools like Hootsuite, Brandwatch, or BuzzSumo to help you identify emerging trends, customer needs, sentiment, and opportunities for your social media marketing.

Experiment with new features

Try out new ways of creating and sharing content, such as reels, live videos, or polls. You can also test new functionalities, such as stickers, filters, captions, or audio. You will discover what works best for your audience, goals, and brand.

Analyze your performance

Measure and evaluate your social media metrics, such as reach, engagement, conversions, or ROI, to identify what strategies, tactics, and content are effective for your marketing objectives.

If trying to keep up with trends is just too much, that’s okay because according to the Shopify Blog, the top three most popular socials, ranked by number of users are still:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • WhatsApp

Next three are:

  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • WeChat

The most important thing to remember about all communications is to be consistent. If you want to post regularly on Facebook or any other platform, assess the capacity of you and your staff. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, will someone be able to produce meaningful, readable content that promotes your mission and attracts donors and other supporters? If so, then you have the beginning of a winning strategy.

Good luck!


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