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Know When to Leave and Leave with Dignity and Grace

I’ve been let go and laid off. I’ve had my position eliminated. I’ve been the last hired, first fired. I’ve quit. I’ve resigned. I’ve given notice and been asked to leave, right now. I’ve been falsely accused and I’ve been lied to. I’ve had a board member call me years…
September 21, 2019

Manage Up

This is a hard one. You know the boss, the supervisor, the “leader” who doesn’t know what they don’t know.  Who thinks they have all the answers. You don’t want to be a smart-ass.  You want to be helpful. But how? Having been on both sides of this equation, I…
September 12, 2019


I’m proud to have earned my CFRE. What is a CFRE? It stands for Certified Fund Raising Executive, and is the professional standard for fundraisers in the nonprofit sector.  Like other accreditations, the CFRE means the fundraiser has gained a certain level of expertise. It also means that we aspire…
August 7, 2019

Support Your Team and Their Dreams

Recently, I led a team of young women who were at the beginning of their careers. When I told them part of my job as their supervisor was to help them prepare for their next job, it surprised them. But I have been in the fundraising business for decades, and…
July 30, 2019

Show Up and Be Present

“Showing up is 80 percent of life.” This saying is often misquoted and most often attributed to Woody Allen. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who said it first. What matters is doing it. Show up. Show up ready to do your work, whatever that work may be. Show up appropriately dressed.…
July 16, 2019

Professional Development and You

As a manager, I always made sure my team knew I supported their professional development and my own. For most of my years as a professional fundraiser, I have paid for my own membership in the Association of Fundraising Professionals, as well as for conferences and other professional fees. I…
June 5, 2019

Make The Phone Calls. Leave Nice Voicemails

A conversation with a donor is one of the most basic tools in your fundraising toolkit. Yet it’s the one we are least likely to use. We create all kinds of excuses. “I don’t have time.” “I don’t have enough information.” “Maybe they’re out of town?” “Who would want to…
May 10, 2019

If You Didn’t Write It Down, It Didn’t Happen

Making phone calls to thank your donors and keep them informed is only part of your overall donor communications or stewardship plan. In a perfect world you would make 7-12 touch points each year with specific content for each one. Okay, I can see you rolling your eyes. Whether you…
March 23, 2019

Gratitude Is For Real

Gratitude: the quality of being grateful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. Gratitude is the quality we should show our donors. Why? Because we are grateful for their financial support. Because their dollars allow us to do the work we love and serve others who need our help.…
February 23, 2019